Octave of All Soul's Day Requiem Mass
As part of our commitment as Christian Mothers, we gather during the Octave of All Souls' Day to offer Mass for the deceased members of the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers. Please wear your Sorrowful Mother medal and join in your local Confraternity's Requiem Mass for this intention. Those who are unable to attend should unite in prayer at another Mass during the Octave for this intention.
As included in the General Statutes of the Archconfraternity, "When an associate has departed this life, prayers and good works shall immediately be offered up by the associates, and as soon as possible a Holy Mass should be said. All who are able to do so should be present at the funeral services. Within the seven days following All Souls’ Day a Holy Mass should be offered for all the departed members. The deceased members and their children are recommended to the hearts and prayers and merits of the associates."