Memo: A Christian Mother’s Daily Prayer for the Children
To: Members of the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers
From: Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap., Father National Director
Date: November 5, 2023 – Feast of St. Elizabeth
Subject: A Christian Mother’s Daily Prayer for the Children
I am writing to promulgate a new official Daily Prayer for the Children to be adopted henceforward by all Confraternities chartered with the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers.
In reading through various editions of the Confraternity prayer book, Mother Love, it has become apparent that the Daily Prayer for the Children, which all Christian Mothers promise to pray daily, has undergone modifications over time. The Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers officially promulgates this version of the Daily Prayer, which will be published publicly in the new edition of Mother Love, due to be printed before the end of the year.
O Mary, Immaculate Virgin and Sorrowful Mother, commend our beloved children to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Who refuses nothing to His Mother.
Holy Guardian Angels, pray for them.
St. Joseph, powerful patron, pray for them.
St. John, much-beloved precursor of our Lord, pray for them.
St. John, adopted son of the Sorrowful Mother, pray for them.
St. Joachim and St. Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for them.
St. Augustine, pray for them.
St. Anthony, pray for them.
St. Aloysius, pray for them.
St. Elizabeth, pray for them.
St. Monica, pray for them.
St. Rose of Lima, pray for them.
All you holy fathers and mothers, pray for them and for us.
All you holy children, pray for them and for us. Amen.
Although a Christian Mother satisfies her obligation to pray the Daily Prayer by using any approved formula, we advise henceforward this version, which restores the terms used in earlier versions and compiles the patrons of the litany. Christian Mothers are free to add their own patrons to the litany of saints.