The Christian Mother’s Daily Prayer for the Children
To be prayed daily by every member of the Confraternity
O Mary, Immaculate Virgin and Sorrowful Mother, commend our beloved children to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Who refuses nothing to His Mother.
Holy Guardian Angels, pray for them.
St. Joseph, powerful patron, pray for them.
St. John, much-beloved precursor of our Lord, pray for them.
St. John, adopted son of the Sorrowful Mother, pray for them.
St. Joachim and St. Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for them.
St. Augustine, pray for them.
St. Anthony, pray for them.
St. Aloysius, pray for them.
St. Elizabeth, pray for them.
St. Monica, pray for them.
St. Rose of Lima, pray for them.
All you holy fathers and mothers, pray for them and for us.
All you holy children, pray for them and for us.
You may add your own patrons By special grant from the Holy See, a member of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers may obtain a partial indulgence each time she prays the Daily Prayer with a contrite heart.
Prayer for the Archconfraternity
O glorious Queen of Heaven and earth! You are the chosen patroness of all Christian Mothers. Bless, then, the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers. May it spread far and wide! Obtain, we beseech you, that all mothers may seek protection in its bosom and, under its guidance, become perfectly what you would have them and what they ought to be: truly Christian mothers, your images and worthy representatives with their children. O you most pure, most compassionate Mother of the Divine Savior and of all the children of the Heavenly Father who have been regenerated in the holy sacrament of baptism!
Glory be… -
Prayers for the Deceased Mothers of the Confraternity and their Children
May the Almighty through His holy angels send you consolation and deliverance from the place of your painful expiation, O you dear suffering souls of our Confraternity!
May the Divine Savior have pity on you and wash away in His own Precious Blood the stains that render you unworthy to enter heaven! May Mary, the Mother of Sorrows, the most loving Patroness of our Confraternity, be your gracious mediatrix with her Son and obtain for you favor! May all the saints of heaven, and especially all the blessed mothers and children of our Confraternity, pray for you, that your sufferings may be ended, your ardent longings satisfied by a glad fruition, and the kingdom of heaven opened unto you!