63rd Anniversary: St. John the Evangelist
63rd Anniversary: St. John the Evangelist in Uniontown, PA.
Christian Mothers of St. Augustine Church
Christian Mothers of St. Augustine Church in Naches, Louisiana.
Child Formation from Sharon White
Happy Laetare Sunday! We are over halfway through Lent and Mother Church, in her wisdom, gave us Laetare Sunday to rejoice (in a restrained manner) in order to encourage the faithful to stay the course in this season of penance. Mercy!
Wisdom Shared, Wisdom Gained
Meredith Hinds shares a reflection on the community formed by Christian Mothers throughout the centuries.
Christian Mothers Movement Grows
Fr. Joseph Tuscan has the lead article in the Spring issue of the Development Office's newsletter "Capuchin Blessings."
Nigeria Christian Mothers Welcome Fr. Joseph
Fr. Tuscan writes about his visit to the Christian Mothers Confraternity in Nigeria.
Summer 2019: Mother Love Newsletter
Introducing the new Director of the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers, Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Capuchin.
Spring 2018: Mother Love Newsletter
Announcing the new Director of the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers, Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Capuchin.
Rest in Peace: Fr. Angelus Shaughnessy, OFM Cap
Our confrere Angelus M. Shaughnessy, OFM Cap., passed to the Lord's eternal life on Friday, March 2, 2018, in his 89th year, after more than 67 years in vows as a Capuchin friar and 62 years a priest.