Arise Retreat in May 2024


from St. Gabriel Media

It is with great joy that we share news about Arise, 2024.

Our team has been praying and working hard to prepare a special weekend for weary women. This retreat promises to be a time of restoration, prayer and sacred beauty.

It is necessary to embrace a total breakdown of the clock on a yearly retreat where we renew our perspective which becomes impaired by time. That “winding” of the clock is our morning and evening prayers. It is a precious time to refocus and rededicate ourselves to God.

We hope you will consider joining us May 24-26, 2024, at Loyola Retreat Center in Clinton, OH.

VIP tickets go on sale beginning October 1. Click here for the event website.

If you know of someone who could benefit from a retreat, please invite them to join us!

Our Lady of Sorrows

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. We have chosen this day to announce the Arise retreat. It is under this title that the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers chose Our Lady as patroness.

Our Spiritual Director for Arise, Fr. Joseph Tuscan OFM Cap, is national director of the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers. We are blessed to have him as our shepherd for this holy weekend.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is known as Queen of Martyrs. The liturgy solemnizes the veneration of Seven Dolours of Our Lady especially in two feasts intimately linked to Our Lord’s Passion: on the Friday before Good Friday and on the day following the Exaltation of the Cross.

Dom Guéranger, writes that on the Cross, “an ineffable union is made to exist between the two offerings, that of the Incarnate Word, and that of Mary; the Blood of the divine Victim, and the tears of the Mother, flow together for the redemption of mankind.”

Our Lord offers His Blood; Our Lady offers her tears. The two offerings flow together, but because of the intimate union between Our Lord and His Mother, their source too is in a certain sense one. (Andrew Thompson-Briggs.)

Our Lady of Sorrows, ora pro nobis.

Colleen McDanald | Lady National President

Mrs. Colleen McDanald is the Lady National President of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers and leads the National Officers appointed by the Father National Director. Her local Confraternity is at St. Joseph Parish in Fort Collins, CO.


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