Our Confraternities
Currently, there are six Archconfraternities of Christian Mothers worldwide, located in Paris, Rome, Regensburg, Cracow, Einsiedlen, and Pittsburgh. The Confraternity in Pittsburgh, originally established in St. Augustine’s Church, has been elevated to an Archconfraternity status with the authority to affiliate other Confraternities, leading to over 3,400 affiliations under the direction of the Capuchin Friars.
There are over 3,400 Confraternities affiliated with the Pittsburgh Archconfraternity. This page contains lists of Confraternities as of August 2023. Contact the parish directly for the latest information, as Confraternities are frequently re-activated or disbanded. For assistance, reach out to the Christian Mothers Office.
Find a Confraternity

Can’t find a local Confraternity?
This might be your call to establish one.
Either contact us to help you determine if a charter exists in your area or search our list of active Confraternities here.
If there are currently no active Confraternities in your area, then search our list of inactive Confraternities here, both foreign and domestic. -
If an inactive charter exists, seek the approval of your pastor to reestablish the chapter.
If no charter exists, ask your pastor to fill out an Application for Affiliation and send it to the Ordinary of the Diocese.
Download the .pdf file version here.
Download the .docx file version here.
The application, once approved by the Ordinary of the Diocese, will sign and return the application to your pastor.
Once you have the signed application form returned to you by your pastor, send the completed application form to the Director General of the Archconfraternity who will fill out and forward a Diploma of Affiliation.
The current Director General is Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap, and you can email him your application directly here.
Once approved, you will receive a Diploma of Affiliation.
While you are waiting on your Diploma of Affiliation to be issued, visit our store here to purchase a copy of the “Hand Book for Officers of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers." An online version is available here.
From the date the diploma is issued, the new Confraternity shares in all the indulgences and privileges of the Archconfraternity. Now the “real life” of the Confraternity begins!
Recommended first steps include:
1) Work with your Father Director (your pastor) to appoint or hold officer elections for President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
2) Have a Solemn Reception Ceremony to enroll members and have them sign your local Confraternity’s Register of Members. Download the script here.
3) Hold an official Installation of Officers ceremony.
4) The founding officers will draft and approve Bylaws and any Special Statutes of their Confraternity, including principal and indulgences feast days.
Additional information can be downloaded here in the Manual for Directors and Officers and the Hand Book for Officers.