“Advantages of Joining the Confraternity”

excerpt from Mother Love

One of the special advantages in membership is the actual presence of our Divine Lord with His graces. For this we have His own sacred promise: “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Hence flow innumerable graces to the members; for where Jesus tarries, there does He dispense His favors, and wherever He is present by special invitation His graces are more profusely lavished.

These many and powerful graces will descend chiefly upon the prayers and good works performed by the Members in obedience to the rules of the Confraternity and the guidance of its Director. For this, too, we have our Savior’s own words. He says: “If two of you shall agree upon earth concerning anything, whatsoever they shall ask, it shall be done for them by My Father Who is in heaven.”

To the preceding advantages must be added:

1. The special protection of the heavenly patrons of the Confraternity. Our Blessed Mother cannot be far distant from her Divine Son. The confidence of the mothers in choosing Mary, Most Sorrowful, as their chief Patroness, and the blessed parents and children of heaven as their special helpers, will obtain, as it deserves, their very particular protection and powerful intercession.

2. Membership in a Confraternity, one of the most useful in existence.

3. The particular favor, approbation, and hearty blessing of the Holy Father and the Bishops.

4. The instructions, prayers, and care of the spiritual director and the prefects or officers.

5. Participation in all the holy Masses which are offered for the Members of the Confraternity.

6. Participation in the daily prayers and the good example of the other Members of the Confraternity.

7. The special communion of prayers and merits of the whole Confraternity. Wherever a Member of the Confraternity prays for herself and for her children, she includes also, in a particular manner, all the other Confraternities of Christian mothers and their children, all the other Members and their children partake of the fruit of her petition. The same holds true with regard to the good works. Every Member has as much share in the merit of the good performed by others as if it were, to a certain extent, her own individual work; and this union of love, prayer, and merit follows the departed Christian Mothers beyond the grave.

8. Special plenary and partial indulgences offered only to members of the Confraternity. 

So many and so great are the spiritual benefits which a woman may obtain upon joining a Confraternity of Christian Mothers! As a zealous Member, she will lead a life full of merits; and, consoled and encouraged by the thought of having so many prayers offered up for her, and by the merits of the other Members of the Confraternity, she will at last leave this world having obtained the plenary indulgences granted to the Members of the Confraternity. In heaven she will find the Members of the Confraternity, who preceded her, who, with the love of sisters, will welcome her; she will there find also her children, for whom she has secured eternal happiness by her common sacrifices, sufferings, and prayers, and all, united intimately in love and friendship, will enjoy together for eternity the exceeding great reward of so many good actions.